Follow-up on a Report or Results

In terms of timing, please remember that our physicians receive hundreds of reports a week, and so it can take a bit of time for them to review. Physicians also triage concerns - more serious issues are typically prioritized.

If you feel that you should have heard back from your physician regarding your report, please send us a message and let us know which facility/clinic that you visited to have the test completed. Our administrative team are not able to comment on the status or the results themselves, so kindly keep in mind that it may take some time to hear back from your physician.

In many cases, the administrative office will call patients to schedule an appointment with their physician once the results are received.

For other general test reports (mammogram, FIT test, etc). the office will call or send an email to patients to let them know if the tests are normal. There is no need to talk to the physician unless there is an abnormal result.

Pap Test Results

We would like to note all labs (ie. Dynacare, Lifelabs, etc) are experiencing a significant back log in processing Pap tests in particular at the moment.

Unfortunately, as this is out of our control, we can't say exactly when we will receive your results.